What is a Reasonable Adjustment?
A reasonable adjustment is a change to a service which seeks as far as possible to remove any disadvantage faced by those with a protected characteristic or a vulnerability.
Broadland is committed to ensuring that our services can be accessed by our residents with disabilities or additional support needs.
- Information in appropriate alternative formats such as large print or translated into another language.
- Communication through an advocate.
- Arranging home visits for those who have mobility difficulties.
- Providing services or appointment times to take account of medical needs or special circumstances such as caring responsibilities.
New Policy
We have a new Reasonable Adjustments Policy and Procedure. We would like to thank the residents who helped us by giving feedback and suggesting how we could improve the policy. We received feedback that a Frequently Asked Questions document which provides a summary of information would be helpful, so we have done this.
Our policy does not aim to explain how we will approach every circumstance where a resident requires a service to be adjusted. It is a general statement of our commitment to ensure residents are not at a disadvantage when accessing our services.
Requesting an Adjustment
Residents can request a reasonable adjustment by contacting us through any of our communication channels or their Neighbourhood Officer.
We will consider if we can make the reasonable adjustment and talk to you about it. Many reasonable adjustments involve little or no cost or additional resourcing requirements and are relatively easy to implement.