We want to keep our tenants and staff safe – it’s a top priority for us. As an organisation we are committed to doing everything we can to prevent or stop an adult being harmed or abused.
We work closely with local adult safeguarding boards and several of our senior managers are involved in Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board (NSAB)’s subgroups.
All our staff receive training to spot the signs and symptoms of abuse, and know how to report their concerns.
Types of abuse
- Physical, emotional or sexual abuse
- Financial abuse – when people take money or belongings without asking
- Neglect – when people who are there to help do not look after people properly
- Discriminatory abuse – when people treat others badly or unfairly because they are different. Read more about hate crime.
- Institutional abuse – when paid staff in a hospital or care home do not care properly or respect people’s rights
- Domestic abuse – threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between adults who are, or have been, in a relationship, or between family members
- Self-neglect – when people don’t look after themselves and this puts them at risk
- Modern slavery – when people are forced to work or are bought or sold as if they were a piece of property
Spot the signs of abuse
It may be a sign of abuse if someone:
- looks dirty or is not dressed properly
- has an injury that is difficult to explain
- seems frightened around certain people
- seems unusually down or withdrawn
- finds money missing.
Report a concern
Even if you are not sure whether a person is being abused, you should still report your concern.
If you would prefer to report your concern direct to your local council, please contact:
Norfolk 0344 800 8020
Suffolk 0808 800 4005
You can stay anonymous if you wish, but please provide as much information as possible so that your concern can be followed up.