During exceptionally cold weather, we get a lot of calls from tenants enquiring about gritting.
We have provided some answers below to your questions.
Meanwhile, we ask you to make your own decisions about whether it is necessary or safe to go out, based on the weather conditions.
Please take care when you are out and about.
Which properties do we grit?
We grit communal pathways at our housing with care and sheltered schemes, so that ambulances and carers can get in and out. In certain circumstances we may also grit some over-55 schemes (for example, where there are steep slopes).
Why can’t you grit all the schemes in icy weather?
Unfortunately, we don't have the resources to grit all our properties, which are spread throughout Norfolk and north Suffolk. However, if one of our operatives is visiting a scheme and has salt available on their van, they will grit any area they see that could be dangerous.
Why can’t you provide us with grit bins/salt on schemes?
The cost of providing grit bins and salt for tenants to grit schemes themselves would need to be added to service charges. Previously, general feedback from tenants has been that they don’t want to pay for something that they may only use every few years.
Where can I find more information?
- Check Norfolk County Council’s priority gritting routes. If you feel you have an exceptional case for your area to be added to this list, please contact your Parish or Town Clerk. If you live in Norwich, contact your local councillor.
- Check Suffolk’s gritting schedule
- Bookmark the Met Office’s Cold Weather Alerts