Norfolk Homelessness Prevention Strategy 2022 – 2025
The Norfolk Strategic Housing Partnership and Norfolk Homelessness Solutions Forum has undertaken the following activities during quarter one and quarter two of the Homelessness Prevention Strategy 2024/25. Within the quarter two summary of activities we also include details of the outcomes of our work so far for 2024/25. If anyone would like to know more about the partnership or the work of the forum please contact us here.
Q1 Report
Priority One
Priority One – Reduce homelessness by refocussing on homelessness prevention services – activity undertaken quarter 1 2024/25:
- KL&WN have agreed to be the pilot area to work with Norfolk Office of Data Analytics (NODA) to develop a prototype homelessness prediction dashboard. Monthly project meetings to agree governance and relevant data to be analysed. Pending the dashboard – quarterly HClick data for Norfolk has been collated and disseminated to the Norfolk Homelessness Solution Forum (NHSF) members.
- Development of content for a series of workshops/best practice sharing sessions – working with a range of agencies to deliver content – topics to include: early access to advice/proactive prevention, homelessness for single people, solutions for asylum seekers/PFA/NRPF, mediation and family breakdown, accommodation sustainment, local connection.
- Working with Shelter and Eastern Landlords Association on an event to bring PRS landlords, LAs and other agencies together to develop
ways of working with PRS. - Working with Supported Housing providers, LAs and some landlords to consider effective ways of working to facilitate move on from
supported housing. - Working with LAs to coordinate feedback from those with lived experience of TA and co producing an approach to this with a Lived
Experience advisory group. - Provided some support to Norfolk county to explore the ROI of a continuation of Sanctuary schemes.
- Continued to work with CJS colleagues to explore barriers and challenges in relation to homelessness and accommodation sustainment -including delivery of Duty to Refer workshops.
Priority Two
Priority two – Improve access to homelessness support services across Norfolk – activity undertaken quarter 1 2024/25:
- NHSF continues to meet bi monthly and adopting a ‘Community of Practice’ sharing approach in relation to solutions with presentations from forum members to share practice.
- Developing a themed approach to future forums to include substance misuse service delivery, homelessness for those in CJS, complex needs and access to services (including an approach to winter service delivery).
- Worked with Homeless Link and two LAs to explore feasibility of adopting the MEAM approach (Making Every Adult Matter) – the existing Norfolk MEAM designated area is Norwich. LAs decided resources not available to proceed but we have agreed to build in sharing of learning from MEAM in Norwich (Norwich Navigator at Pathways team) via the forum.
- Considered options to map existing Supported Housing provision and to consider ways of developing district authority Supported Housing strategies (further work pending as we wait for Supported Housing Oversight and Regulations Act guidance on developing strategies).
- Sourcing good practice to share on Hospital Discharge and Prison Discharge protocols.
- Ongoing work with Great Yarmouth Homelessness Alliance in understanding how people access services and to explore
solutions to homelessness.
Priority Three
Priority three – Continue to develop person centred services with a focus on co-production – activity undertaken quarter 1 2024/25:
- Working with Lived experience advisory groups in Great Yarmouth and Norwich to co produce questions to put to wider service users, to allow them to tell us about their experiences of services and co producing an approach with the advisory groups on asking for feedback.
- Developed a Lived Experience engagement plan with a particular focus on seeking feedback on: Norfolk Homelessness Charter, NSHP 10 commitments, living in TA and move on from supported housing.
Priority Four
Priority four – Continue to build partnership working to improve collaboration and whole system change – activity undertaken quarter 1 2024/25:
- Commenced work with Broadland Housing Association communications team to update the NSHP web page (to be
hosted on BHA website). - Work on website to include option to allow feedback on whether organisations have adopted the Norfolk Homelessness Charter and any of the NSHP 10 commitments.
- Working with a Lived Experience advisory group started work to co produce questions from service users on the impacts of the homelessness charter in service delivery.
- Developing links to wider strategic groups and public sector leaders within Norfolk to commence work on the future of any Norfolk wide Homelessness Prevention Strategy beyond 2024/25.
- Monitoring emerging government policy in relation to homelessness and housing need.
Q2 Report
Priority One
Priority One – Reduce homelessness by refocussing on homelessness prevention services – activity undertaken quarter 2 2024/25:
- Developing a prototype homelessness prediction dashboard. Via monthly project meetings, governance and relevant data to be analysed agreed.
- Pending the dashboard – HClick data for Norfolk has been collated and disseminated to the Norfolk Homelessness Solution Forum (NHSF) members.
- Series of workshops/best practice sharing sessions – working with a range of agencies to deliver content – topics agreed and dates set for early access to advice/proactive prevention, homelessness for single people, solutions for asylum seekers/PFA/NRPF, mediation and family breakdown, accommodation sustainment, local connection.
- NSHP, Shelter and Eastern Landlords Association networking event bringing PRS landlords, LAs and other agencies together to develop ways of working to provide housing solutions – successful event took place 9.10.2024 – initial feedback indicates parties are keen to continue this work at a Norfolk wide level.
- Continued to offer support to work with Supported Housing providers, LAs and landlords to facilitate effective ways to achieve move on from supported housing.
- Commenced testing of a resource pack to seek feedback from those with lived experience of TA.
- Worked with CJS colleagues to provide an overview to forum members on the operation of HMPPS in relation to homelessness and early prison release.
- Shared Resonance funding programme (funding for TA move on accommodation) with district colleagues.
- Reviewed Centre for Homelessness Impact research report on VFM in TA – to consider report recommendations for a future strategic approach for Norfolk.
Priority Two
Priority two – Improve access to homelessness support services across Norfolk activity undertaken quarter 2 2024/25:
- NHSF practice sharing across member organisations at bi monthly meetings July and September.
- Continued with a themed & solutions focused approach to Norfolk Homelessness Solutions Forum meetings.
- Met with Norfolk Safeguarding Board independent member to discuss a strategic approach to safeguarding where homelessness is an issue and the development of a county wide Information Sharing Agreement between districts and housing providers where risks are identified.
- Ongoing work with Great Yarmouth Homelessness Alliance and GYBC representatives in understanding how people access services and to explore solutions to homelessness.
Priority Three
Priority three – Continue to develop person centred services with a focus on co production – activity undertaken quarter 2 2024/25:
- Launched feedback process with organisations working with those living in TA to capture their experiences.
- Co produced questions in relation to the Norfolk Homelessness Charter – to seek feedback from service users about their experiences of using services who have adopted the charter.
- Developed information to update the NSHP web page – working with the Broadland Housing Association communications team – and relaunched the Norfolk Homelessness Charter to include a feedback process via the web page for those who wish to adopt the charter.
- Met with Norfolk Drug and Alcohol Partnership to share our respective strategic objectives to facilitate joint working (NDAPB representative to join the NHSF).
Priority Four
Priority four – Continue to build partnership working to improve collaboration and whole system change – activity undertaken quarter 2 2024/25:
- Provided an update report to the Norfolk CEX group on the work of the NSHP and the Homelessness Prevention Strategy – continuing to seek support for the future delivery of the partnership and the NHSF.
- Continued to develop links to wider strategic groups and public sector leaders within Norfolk.
- Monitored emerging government policy in relation to homelessness and housing need and provided information to the NHSF.
- Appointed a co chair to the NSHP – Davina Howes – Norwich City Council Executive Director of Communities and Housing.
A summary of outcomes from the activities undertaken in relation to the Norfolk Homelessness Prevention Strategy in
quarter one and two 2024/25:
View Summaries
Priority One – Reduce homelessness by refocusing on homelessness prevention services
- Development of a prototype homelessness dashboard to help predict homelessness
- Sharing of homelessness prevention practice across agencies and enabling an understanding of how statutory services operate
- (where they may impact on homelessness)
- Developing relationships between districts, agencies and PRS landlords to increase access to housing
- Supporting relationships to facilitate move on from supported housing
Priority two – Improve access to homelessness support services across Norfolk
- Developed a community of practice via the Norfolk Homelessness Solutions Forum (NHSF)
- Educated forum members on specific topics in relation to housing and homelessness
- Assessed systems which can help to alleviate homelessness
Priority three – Continue to develop person centred services with a focus on co production
- Co-produced materials to develop an understanding of the impact of services on people experiencing homelessness to elevate the voices of those using services.
- Developed online communications channels to highlight the work of the NHSF/NSHP and the prevention strategy.
Priority four – Continue to build partnership working to improve collaboration and whole system change
- Highlighted the work of Norfolk Strategic Housing Partnership & the Norfolk Homelessness Solutions Forum to wider audiences
- Communicated actions taken to support the homelessness prevention strategy to other strategic groups across the count (NSHP is linked to 12 groups in the county).
- Relaunched the Norfolk Homelessness Charter