Our housing with care scheme at Benjamin Court is independent living with care available 24/7.
If you need a little extra help with cooking or taking care of yourself, then this could be an option for you. Every flat is self contained with its own front door, but there is a real community spirit and plenty of opportunities to be involved as much as you want to be.
Benjamin Court is in the popular seaside town of Cromer and is only 15 minutes’ walk to the beach.

How to apply
Step 1 – you will need to get a care assessment. Please call SCCE on 0344 800 8020 and ask to get a housing with care assessment. You can also visit Norfolk County Council’s Adult Social Care website.
Step 2 – you need to register for Your Choice Your Home on the North Norfolk District Council website or call 01263 516375 for assistance with registering.
Please note – we do not accept pets