Our home at The Lawns was rated ‘Outstanding’ in the latest CQC inspection. Our housing with care scheme is independent living with care available 24/7.
If you need a little extra help with cooking or taking care of yourself, then this could be an option for you. Every flat is self-contained with its own front door, but there is a real community spirit and plenty of opportunities to be involved as much as you want to be.
The Lawns is only a 10-minute drive from the beach or Great Yarmouth town centre.

How to apply
Step 1 – you will need to get a care assessment. Please call SCCE on 0344 800 8020 and ask to get a housing with care assessment. You can also visit Norfolk County Council’s Adult Social Care website.
Step 2 – you need to register with ‘Housing Options’ on the Great Yarmouth Borough Council website or call 01493 846124 or 01493 846140.