We know that delivering high quality services is the most important thing to our residents and being open and honest about how we are doing is vital to build up trust.
That’s why we will be publishing performance information on our website each month. We will provide updates on services such as repairs and how we are keeping you safe in your home.
Where we have service areas which are not performing as well as we would like, we will tell you what we are doing to get better.
Our performance is shared with the Tenant Assurance Panel each month who scrutinise how we are doing.
How we are performing
The information shows how we are performing in October 2024. The areas we are focussing on are:
- Customer Enquiries – We need to improve our response times for dealing with residents queries, we have identified some actions in the short and medium term which should help. This is one of the areas the Tenants Assurance Panel are reviewing.
- Whilst we have seen an improvement in November, we saw a 41% increase in responsive repair demand. We are continuing to deliver the repairs improvement plan which should lead to improvements in our service delivery..
Health & Safety in your home
Consumer standards for social housing
The Regulator of Social Housing requires us to submit our results for the Tenant Satisfaction measures. These are our results and submitted in June 2024.
Further information on our tenant satisfaction measures can be found on our here.