If you have reported damp and mould, we will establish the source and whether there are any defects to the property. We will then carry out the appropriate remedial work. This will be addressed as a matter of urgency and cases are prioritised when there is a significant amount, or when there is a significant concern for our tenants health.
For more information, please see below our leaflet that contains helpful advice on how to treat condensation in your home and how to avoid mould, plus further advice on the next steps if you are experiencing persistent problems.
If you are experiencing persistent problems, please contact Customer Services immediately.
Our response to the Regulator
In November 2022, the Regulator for Social Housing required all registered landlords to submit a survey on how we are tackling cases in our tenant’s homes. Please see our response below.
What we have done
In November 2023, we reported 6 properties with category 2 damp and mould problems. This is our progress in putting this right.

New damp and mould training
To strengthen our response in dealing with damp and mould, we arranged all of our customer facing staff to have training in September 2023.
This training will cover how to access and get works booked if a staff member was at your home. Additionally, more specialised training for our Customer Services team and our surveyors in identifying the causes. This will help us deal with issues sooner and more effectively.
For further information on prevention, please visit Norwich City Council’s website page on How to prevent damp and mould.