Today we celebrated reaching the highest point of our Canary Quay housing development in Norwich.
With our construction partners R G Carter, we marked the milestone on the newly poured roof of the 9-storey housing block, close to Norwich City Football Club.
The Phase 3 development at Canary Quay is 100% affordable homes and consists of 73 x 1-and-2-bedroom apartments. Eventually Canary Quay will include a mix of more than 300 affordable and privately-owned homes.
We’re very excited to see the third building on the Canary Quay site start to take shape. Being able to stand on the 9th floor and look across the finished homes brings into focus how much work has gone into getting us to this stage. We continue to be grateful for our longstanding partnership with R G Carter to deliver these new homes for Broadland.
Michael Newey, Group Chief Executive (pictured, foreground)
The new affordable homes are expected to be finished next summer. They sit directly opposite Patricia Hollis House and Richard Hawthorn House, apartment blocks completed in Phases 1 and 2 of the scheme’s construction.
We’re incredibly proud of this project and our continuing partnership with Broadland Housing. Phase 3 of the Canary Quay regeneration is progressing very well and will help transform the riverside area, while providing high-quality housing for the local community for years to come.
Mario Rackham, Director and General Manager at R G Carter, pictured, far left
Find out about homes available to buy or rent in Phase 2 at Canary Quay