Gavin Tempest spent the first 30 years of his career working as a police officer. He worked as a Chief Inspector, Head of Community Safety in Norfolk, specialising in partnership working and operations management.
Gavin has a long track record bringing together housing-sector specific and non-housing related community agencies, helping to tackle broader local community issues through collaboration. He won a prestigious Home Office Tilley Award for partnership problem solving alcohol-related crime and disorder, and he has been part of national and local influence on policing responses to licensing, street prostitution and anti-social behaviour. Gavin was Project Director for the development of Neighbourhood Policing in Norfolk, and has a thorough understanding of operational issues facing housing providers.
Why did Gavin apply to become a board member?
I was coming to the end of a career as a police officer. I knew a little about social housing (mainly from an operational perspective) and wanted to find out more. I thought it would be interesting and help me to think more widely about things. I am pleased to say – it is and it has!
I enjoy learning new things and testing my (ageing) brain. I like the process of decision making and there is plenty of opportunity for that. I also like meeting people with different outlooks from different walks of life. Taking part in the board offers that.