We worked in partnership with Great Hockham Parish Council and Breckland Council to deliver an inclusive housing development in Great Hockham. The new scheme includes homes for local needs, affordable rent, shared ownership and market sale.
Take a quick flythrough of our new scheme at Great Hockham in Norfolk.
The levels of public subsidy currently available do not cover the costs of developing the affordable rent homes. The market sale properties are included to generate surplus and top up the amount of funding required.
Scheme Design
The scheme has been designed in two parts. A combination of terraced, semi-detached and detached homes at the entrance of the scheme will appear like a natural extension to the village. These homes are focused around an attractively design central space containing the surface water drainage basin. To the west, the design will appear more like a traditional agricultural holding, with a farmhouse and converted farm buildings, to sit sensitively in the wider landscape.
We undertook a housing needs survey in the area that identified local demand for affordable rent, shared ownership and market sale homes. This was used to decide which properties to develop. The affordable rent and shared ownership homes will be prioritised for people in housing need with a local connection, in accordance with the council’s housing allocation policy.
We delievered:
- 6 x Affordable Rent
- 2 x Shared Ownership
- 4 x Market Sale