Thank you and well done to everyone who entered our 2022 Gardening Competition.
The competition judges included our Environmental Champions and Jane, our tenant gardening guru. They were delighted to be able to visit tenants and their gardens in person, and were so thrilled to receive so many entries.
This year’s entrants were of the highest standard, yet again making judging difficult. We were pleased to meet and talk with so many enthusiastic gardeners. Many said how much gardening had helped with their mental health and wellbeing during the pandemic.
Our Overall Winner was chosen because it is an exceptional example of an English cottage garden. All the sheds, pond and built areas are made from recycled materials. It has lots of plant propagation and seed sowing, with a good mixture of vegetables, wild flowers and perennials. Wildlife is well catered for and the whole garden is cared for by a very enthusiastic gardener.
Jane, one of the competition judges
After some difficult decisions, they finally picked the following winners, runners-up and Highly Commended awards. There was also a Judge’s Choice award for ‘Best Newcomer’ given to new tenants who entered the competition. They both worked hard to create their well maintained and peaceful patio.
Overall Winner – Mr Waithe
Best Garden
Winner – Mr & Mrs Bridges
Runner-up – Mrs Cook
Highly Commended – Miss Rowe
Best Small Garden
Winner – Mrs Osborne
Runner-up – Mrs Davey
Highly Commended – Mr & Mrs Clarke, Mr & Mrs Laws, Mrs Beales, Mrs O’Brien and Miss Gavrilina.
Best Communal Garden
Joint winners – Miss Martins & Ms Grunberg and Mr & Mrs O’Brien
Runner-up – Mr & Mrs Jones
Highly Commended – Mr Fox
Best Patio, Courtyard or Balcony
Winner – Miss Martins & Ms Grunberg
Runner-up – Mr Bayford
Highly Commended – Mr Peddle, Mr Simmons and Quebec Street tenants.
Judge’s Choice Award ‘Best Newcomer’ – Mr & Mrs Humphries
Please see our video of the winning entries below.
All entrants have received a certificate for their efforts, and winners and runners-up in each category also received a Love2shop voucher.
We hope their gardens will inspire you this summer, and we look forward to receiving your entries for next year’s competition.