Repps Road, Martham
A community consultation took place at Martham Community Centre on Wednesday 17th May 2023.
We are looking at developing new housing in Martham, Norfolk. This would be partly on the allocated land for housing on Repps Road, combined with a local needs-led exception site.
Broadland carried out a housing needs survey in Martham in November 2022 and we have incorporated those results into the design.
Over the past 12 months, in discussions with the Parish Council and Norfolk Highways, the need for a roundabout for the village has been highlighted. The roundabout would allow access to this development and reduce driving speeds into the village.
The scheme we are consulting on takes this into account and includes the following tenures:
- Allocated site in local plan – market homes, affordable rent, shared ownership
- Local Housing Exception Site – affordable rent, shared ownership and a balance of market homes used as subsidy to deliver the scheme.